Some Tips to help you decide if a Fashion Color is Right for you..
Here are some tips to make this process successful.
*This will usually take Multiple processes. We will need to make your hair light enough to give you the color you want. If your end result is to be a lavender, we can start with a purple.
*Each step or process will take time and money. Have a consultation with your stylist and let them know what you are comfortable with and they can customize something for your needs.
*Fashion colors do not open the cuticle of your hair and permanently change the pigment of your hair. They only stain it. This means you need quality Aveda take home products to give you healthy hair. Damaged hair is hard to color. You want to make sure you protect your investment.
*Follow the instructions the stylist recommends. Fashion colors only last 4-8 weeks. Keep your follow up appointments. The more your fashion color is layered on the longer it lasts.
*Call to set up your complimentary consultation with one of our Master Stylists 813-236-1800